Meghan Williams » Character Education

Character Education

Character education helps students understand, care about, and act upon ethical values.  Students with good character are caring and responsible.  They will develop an internal motivation to do their best and to contribute to the world around them.  Below are the themes for the 2020-2021 school year.

August 2020- Off to a Good Beginning
September 2020- I Respect You. I Respect Me.
October 2020- Making the World a Better Place
November 2020- Keeping a Positive Attitude
December 2020- The Gift of Friendship/Peace, Hope, Charity
January  2021- Lemons or Lemonade?
February 2021- We're Different and Alike
March 2021-Making Responsible Choices
April 2021- Building Our Character Muscles
May 2021- Making Our School a Caring Place/Have a Safe and Fun Vacation!