All About Me & My Classroom
All About Me
Hey y'all - My name is Carly Rone and I graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in kinesiology and a minor in biology. Go Coogs! I then get my secondary certification, and have now been teaching for a little over three years. I am new to Deer Park Elementary, and I am so blessed to be here. I am so grateful to have each and every one of you in my class. I have no doubt this school year is going to be amazing! Go Eagles!

Classroom Schedule
General Schedule:
7:30 - first bell
7:40 - tardy bell rings & announcements start
10:55 - lunch
12:10 - music/PE
2:40 - dismissal
Special Days:
Mondays (9:30) - Library
Thursdays (9:00) - Computer Lab
Conference Time
Conference Time:
Monday: 12:15 - 1:00
Thursday:12:15 - 1:00
Friday: 12:15 - 1:00