Mrs. Megan Cathey » Welcome to Mrs. Cathey's Bio Page

Welcome to Mrs. Cathey's Bio Page

Welcome Bitmoji


I am so excited to have you in my homeroom class this year and I cannot wait to make it the best year yet!  I work hard at my job, I prioritize and use time wisely so my students (and I) can both have some fun. Let’s make it a great year!


 I grew up in Deer Park and graduated from DPISD in 2008.  I attended Texas A&M University (class of 2012 WHOOP!).  I worked in corporate America for 5 years before answering the teacher calling I always had. I have taught at Fairmont Elementary and Deer Park Elementary in my teaching career. I am so excited to be back and starting my 7th year at DPE with you...this is where I started my teaching career with long term sub positions in 2017.


Let's make it a great year Eagles.  Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Mrs. Megan Cathey
5th Grade Math Teacher
Teacher Conference Times:
Monday, Thursday and Friday
7:50am - 8:45 am